12th GGSS Round Table, 2019
The Geotechnical Graduate Student Society's Round Table is turning 12 this year and we will be hosting our Annual event on Friday, March 8th, 2019 at UC Davis Conference Center at the University of California Davis (550 Alumni Ln, Davis, CA 95616). The Round Table is an annual student showcase held at the University of California, Davis. Professionals from government and industry are invited to presentations and poster sessions by GGSS student members. The goal of the Round Table is to foster a connection with professionals so that researchers at UC Davis have an understanding of the needs of industry and industry is aware of the research projects at UC Davis. The event highlights include student presentations, poster sessions, a panel discussion, and social festivities.
Event Covered on Civil Engineering Blog: https://engineering.ucdavis.edu/blog/geotechnical-graduate-student-society-hosts-largest-annual-round-table/