GGSS Calendar
Seminar Calendar for Winter Quarter - Academic year 2024
Date | Name | Affiliation | Topic title |
01/11/2024 | Mike George | BGC Engineering | Rock Scour for Dam Foundations and Spillways |
01/25/2024 | Matt Burrall | UCD (GGSS) | Experiments, Simulation, and Optimization of Tree Root Inspired Anchors and Foundations |
02/01/2024 | Michael Chamberlain & Long Chen | Hayley & Aldrich Inc. | 1D Site Response Analysis for a Deep Sedimentary Basin Site and a Discussion about Mean Spectral Matching |
02/08/2024 | Sanchari Mondal | University of Melbourne | Soil-structure interaction of bio-inspired foundations / Stress-dilatancy behavior of sand at low-stress levels for offshore applications |
02/15/2024 | Hannah Curran & Brian Albin | PG&E | A Day in the Life of an Owner’s Engineer |
02/22/2024 | Magali Billen | UCD (Earth & Planetary Sciences) | How does deformation of a sinking tectonic plate cause earthquakes at 400-660 km beneath the Earth’s surface? |
03/14/2024 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
03/21/2024 | Krishna Kumar | University of Texas | TBD |
Seminar Calendar for Spring Quarter - Academic year 2024
Date | Name | Affiliation | Topic title |
04/04/2024 | Jay Wilson | Clackamas County Disaster Management | |
04/11/2024 | Nathaniel Wagner | Slate Geotechnical Consultants | |
04/18/2024 | Kush Chohan | Delve Underground | |
04/25/2024 | Lisa Yabusaki | California DSOD | |
05/02/2024 | Jiarui Chen | UCD (GGSS) | |
05/09/2024 | Alan Kropp | Alan Kropp & Associates | |
05/16/2024 | Dr. Stéphanie Chaillat and Dr. Jean-François Semblat | ENSTA-Paris | |
05/23/2024 | Chris Carpenter | Cornforth Consultants | |
05/30/2024 | Holly Nicholas and Rob Barry | California DWR | |
06/06/2024 | Doug Schwarm | Atlas Geotechnical |
Here you can find our old and upcoming events.
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