Construction of Earth and Rockfill Dams
Instructors: Lelio H. Mejia, PhD, PE, NAE
Senior Principal, Geosyntec Consultants
Michael Forrest, PE, GE
Vice President, Senior Consultant, AECOM
Introduction: case histories, design background, roles and responsibilities
Foundation Excavation and Preparation: site preparation, dewatering, excavation, foundation preparation and treatment, inspection and geologic mapping, faults
Foundation Seepage Control: grouting, cutoff walls
Embankment Construction: specifications, test fills, core zone (earthfill), filter and drain zones
Embankment QA/QC: shell zones and riprap (rockfill), QA/QC testing
Instrumentation: purpose, instrumentation types, installation
Inspection: documentation, QA/QC, engineering during construction
When: December 4-6, 2024
Short Course Location:
ARC Ballroom (https://maps.app.goo.gl/VyTXZTcAGx4HdqcRA)
Short Course Parking:
Available in lot adjacent to ARC Ballroom. Parking is paid using the AMP Park App.
A detailed schedule for each day of the course can be found here:
The short course program will start with check-in at 8:00 am, December 4th, and end at 3:30 pm on December 6th.
Recommended accommodations in Davis include the Hyatt Place, Aggie Inn, Hilton Garden Inn, Best Western Palm Court.
UC Davis accessible from the Bay Area within a 1-2 hour drive. Travel via air to Sacramento Metro Airport (SMF), which is about a 25 minute Taxi/Uber drive to campus.
Please reach out to Jason DeJong (jdejong@ucdavis.edu) if you have additional questions.